Light as a feather. Inexpensive. For ceilings and friezes.
The acoustic world champion in flyweight.
Can do a lot. With very little effort.
Priming. Wallpapering. Coating. Silence.
When retrofitting seamless acoustic systems, weight is often the deciding factor. Most systems weigh 15kg/m² and more. An unreasonable additional load, especially for plasterboard or old historic stucco mesh ceilings. One square metre of FLEXOPANEL, on the other hand, weighs 700g when finished, whereas the surface of a Ritter Sport chocolate weighs just 10g. So, from a structural point of view, nothing at all.
The second important point is the layer thickness. Acoustic systems are no different to thermal insulation systems: the thicker, the better. We have developed a small miracle with the FLEXOPANEL system: minimal weight, quick and clean installation in existing rooms and high sound absorption with a low layer thickness.
Our bestselling system
FLEXOPANEL is our best-selling system. No wonder: there is no comparable jointless acoustic system on the market. 1 cm layer thickness, extremely low weight, and an average sound absorption coefficient alpha-w of 0.5 – thousands of square metres have already been successfully coated in this way. Worldwide.
Uniform frequency response
From 250Hz to 4kHz, FLEXOPANEL absorbs sound surprisingly evenly. This results in a particularly homogeneous room feeling. As the wall can also be included as a sound absorber, even difficult rooms can be damped very well.
Also, as a quick retrofit solution
With a rough instead of a smooth finish, FLEXOPANEL can also be installed within three days as a particularly fast retrofit solution. Perfect for time-critical renovations and even for shop fit-outs. With many trades working at the same time and probably the only smile on site.
Let us convince you
and inspire you.

Let us advise you
Talk to our Dekozell specialists. We “only” make seamless acoustic plaster systems, but we do it uniquely well and with enthusiasm. And we go the extra mile for you to find the best solution for your project.

Request a free sample
Only your professional judgement decides. So request your product sample from us and take the Dekozell quality check into your own hands. We will ensure that you receive your sample as quickly as possible.
DEKOZELL® Acoustic plaster systems
The right system for every project.
The well thought-out variety of our systems enables perfect room acoustics to be seamlessly integrated into all conceivable buildings, halls and rooms. Configure your DEKOZELL acoustic plaster system according to your requirements. If you do not know exactly which system is suitable, we will be happy to help you.