The easiest acoustic suspension system to install.
The top performer among the suspension systems.
Super simple: gluing instead of screwing
Easy-Boards are traditionally screwed onto CD profiles. Similar to plasterboard. But there is another ingenious shortcut. A 1 cm wide strip of polymer adhesive is applied to the CD profiles from the cartridge and then the board is attached immediately. 2.3kg initial adhesion per square centimetre. Wet, immediately. Then 3.2kg when dry. This results in almost a tonne of adhesive strength per board. You can’t put in that many drywall screws to achieve that. The all-round tongue-and-groove joint around the Easy-Boards ensures that two boards always meet securely at the same height. Self-adhesive reinforcement joint tape over the board joints – and off you go with the seamless final coating.
OK, screws work too.
We can understand if you prefer to continue screwing. That’s no problem, because the Easy-Boards can also be screwed in the conventional way like plasterboard. Most DISTANCE-EASY ceilings are also installed in the same way. However, the huge advantage of gluing is that it creates a truly monolithic substructure. Even on a flow-through ceiling, nothing can technically stand out because everything “ages” evenly. The entire acoustic substructure is ultimately “as if from a single mould”. And it is incredibly quick to install the boards using the adhesive method. You’ll be impressed. We promise.
Optional extras? It all fits in.
The Easy-Boards are 24 mm thick. On purpose. This allows us to seamlessly merge all built-in parts that are available for 25 mm plasterboard with the acoustic coating. Access panels, light profiles, invisible loudspeakers or a free-hanging fireplace: everything that the accessories market has to offer fits into this suspended ceiling. You say what you want. We’ll tell you how to do it.
And nothing burns.
Suspension systems are often used in very large rooms. Or even in corridors. The issue of non-combustibility quickly plays an important role here. The DISTANCE Easy Boards are mineral and therefore non-combustible. With the non-combustible DEKOZELL acoustic pointed filler as a topcoat, they are then similar to plasterboard: fire class A2-s1-d0, non-combustible with organic components. But then please screw, not glue.
Let us convince you
and inspire you.

Let us advise you
Talk to our Dekozell specialists. We “only” make seamless acoustic plaster systems, but we do it uniquely well and with enthusiasm. And we go the extra mile for you to find the best solution for your project.

Request a free sample
Only your professional judgement decides. So request your product sample from us and take the Dekozell quality check into your own hands. We will ensure that you receive your sample as quickly as possible.
DEKOZELL® Acoustic plaster systems
The right system for every project.
The well thought-out variety of our systems enables perfect room acoustics to be seamlessly integrated into all conceivable buildings, halls and rooms. Configure your DEKOZELL acoustic plaster system according to your requirements. If you do not know exactly which system is suitable, we will be happy to help you.